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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Leading Teams_Concept Integration Paper 1

Leading Teams_Concept Integration Paper 1

Q Concept Integration Paper #1 Building High Performance Teams. During the first two weeks of the course, we will discuss the purpose and process for building high performance teams. Discuss a systems-thinking approach to team building and teamwork. Explain why teams are important and discuss the Tuckman teambuilding model in the context of your own professional work context. Discuss the characteristics of high performing teams and identify which are most critical in your particular professional endeavors. How could your team organization be improved based on our reading and discussion thus far?

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An approach of system-thinking may be effective in order for resolving and addressing difficult types of problems in which complex issues are involved. Teams can be regarded as the core of the firms in order for difficult problems to be resolved. Goals can be achieved by teams faster. The paper emphasizes on significance of teams in a workplace that occurs after an approach of system-thinking is present to teamwork and building of team. The characteristics of teams that are high performing are provided in this paper following the significance of teams and the four phases being laid down in shaping them (Stringham, 2012).